Why I started this blog

Hey guys!
Today’s post will be about why I chose to start blogging.

I had thought of blogging for quite sometime, but I wasn’t sure about what I would blog about, but I decided I’d start a blog anyway. Around February I started exploring a little more, I started travelling a little more, sometimes with a group of friends but most times on my own.

To most people that’s pretty standard, but I’ve been a pretty closed up person for a long time, the idea of stepping out of my routine of university classes and home terrified me, sent me into a panic, and for some reason made me feel incredibly guilty. But then I read a quote which I believe is by Muhammad Ali:

“A man who views the world at 50 the same way he did at 20, will have wasted 30 years of his life.”

That quote made me realize that if I continue to stick to routine I’ll be the person that will have wasted those years of my life. Routine is definitely comfortable but if there’s anything I’ve learnt this year it’s that exploring and trying new things, even the smallest of things really do bring happiness.

The goal of starting this blog was to share my experiences with others and hopefully inspire people to go out and step out of their routine.
I invite you to view the universe with me.

42 thoughts on “Why I started this blog

  1. I love your blog and your title/tagline! I think that it will definitely inspire others to try things and have new experiences. I can’t wait to try the honey/cinnamon tea. I have been on a honey/ginger tea kick lately. 🙂


      1. When I stepped on this blog. What came to my mind is, this is pure gold and that’s what I see all through. Thank you for stopping by


  2. Your call to action, to inspire others, has been successful – I have never heard that quote from Ali, but it definitely resonates. How often have I found myself look at the “same” sunrise and not appreciated how much more beautiful it was from the day before?



  3. Hey! I love the design of your blog first of all, and boy do I love food and travel blogs. I look forward to viewing the universe thru and with you for the next couple of months. You’re now followed 🙂

    Take care! Greetings from Singapore btw!


  4. It’s always good to experience more things be they sights, sounds, or food. And there’s always the wonderful feeling of returning home once more and relaxing there for a while. Thanks for looking at my blog. Yours looks like it will be a little bit of a breath of fresh air for me.


  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog. As you could tell, my early morning view of the blood moon, though disappointing was a good experience anyway. There’s nothing like some fresh air at 3 in the morning!!!
    Looking forward to reading more from you.


  6. Hey! Loved the quote a lot! I guess I’m a lot different from all of you. I actually had to start this for my 10th Grade Web Design Class. I am so glad I did. Even when school is out I will keep going! Keep up the good work.

    Squirtle (Shavon)


  7. That was a great quote by Mohd Ali and you have used it very appropriately. I see you are a new blogger but are getting good number of hits. Congratulations ! Hope to learn the secret from you 🙂


    1. Thank you so much!:-) Are you participating in the zero to hero challenge with the daily post? Search for their page, and participate in the challenges like daily prompts. There are some really amazing blogs, and that’s one of the best way to discover new blogs as well as to interact with other bloggers.:-)


      1. Thank you for the tip ! I have posted a few articles recently, mostly funny, and based on some random thoughts over a wide range of subjects like life, philosophy, culture etc. I invite you to check out my posts and would appreciate if you leave your comments regarding the writing style, content etc. at the blog itself.

        Here is my latest post – http://idlesunday.wordpress.com/2014/05/03/of-lions-and-human-beings-countries-and-differences/


  8. I like your Muhammed Ali quote “A man who views the world at 50 the same way he did at 20, will have wasted 30 years of his life.” Definitely one to remember. Love the photos too


  9. Reblogged this on GENIEVE SHANINE VASCONCELOS and commented:
    “A man who views the world at 50 the same way he did at 20, will have wasted 30 years of his life.” by Muhammad Ali

    this quote coined with your story is very inspirational

    “A man who views the world at 50 the same way he did at 20, will have wasted 30 years of his life.”


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